
Fostering Homeless Cats and Dogs

Foster volunteers provide a home environment for pets who are not comfortable in a shelter setting, are young and need special care or have medical challenges.  Our staff will work with you to find a pet compatible with your family and home.  FCHS provides supplies, food, medications and veterinary care for the foster pet.  The duration of foster care varies depending upon foster family availability and pet needs.

Is Fostering Right For You?

Are you available to take foster animals upon request?

Are there personal or professional obligations that would interfere with your volunteer responsibilities?

Do you (or others in your household) have allergies or conditions that you should consider before working directly with animals?

If you own pets, are you able (if needed) to keep your foster pets separated from the other animals in the house?

Do you feel emotionally capable of “letting go” of animals, regardless of the outcome?

Fostering Volunteers are essential to the success of our mission to provide temporary care for homeless pets and opportunities for those pets to find permanent homes.  Fostering requires a commitment of time, patience and love.  If you are ready for more information, contact our Foster Coordinator Sandy at

If you are ready to apply, please click the button below and download the application, then submit it to:

Foster Volunteer Application