Volunteers will be collecting monetary donations from passing motorists on Saturday, Sept 28th at the intersection of Fifth and Jefferson Streets in Washington, Missouri. We are still needing volunteers to sign up for 2 hour shifts. Volunteers MUST be 17 years of age (per the city of Washington ) but DO NOT need to have attended the volunteer orientation at the FCHS shelter to participate. We will provide signage, collection vessels, hand sanitizer, water and reflective safety vests. Please dress appropriately for the weather. This fundraiser raises an average of $3,000 which helps FCHS continue the lifesaving work of caring for companion animals and placing them in adoptive homes. Please call or email Mary Lovern at 314-550-7502, rmlovern@yhti.net for more information or questions.
To sign up online go to https://signup.com/go/MdCOHAC